The tunings of THC and CBD

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
The psychoactive (affecting the human psyche) molecule THC is one of the cannabinoids, whose best-known natural source is the resin of the cannabis plant, which belongs to the hemp family and is one of the oldest useful plants on earth. The unfertilized female flowers have a particularly high THC content. Other parts of the plant, as well as the whole male plant, contain very little, and the seeds no THC at all.

Cannabidiol (CBD)
CBD, also found in the female hemp plant, is not psychoactive. Relaxing, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety and anti-nausea effects are attributed to this molecule. Its antipsychotic effects are also being researched.
At the bottom of this page the transcription of the CBD molecule into the auditory region and here below that of the THC molecule .
The transcription of the THC molecule into the auditory area.
The sound of psychotropic molecules
The sound of psychotropic molecules (psychoactive substances) is of relevant importance, since the vibrational structure of the molecule can be experienced in a musical way, without having to acquire, possess or consume the corresponding substance. In addition, users of cannabis reported that when listening to music tuned to THC, they smoked less than usual and yet were equally high. According to initial observations, music tuned to the vibrational structure of psychotropic substances seems to be capable of reducing the intensity of consumption of the corresponding substance in listeners.
The infrared spectrum of the THC molecule
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive ingredient of the cannabis plant. Spectral analysis of the delta-9 THC molecule shows six significant lines in the infrared spectrum. These lines have the wavenumbers (per centimeter) of: 1580; 1040; 1620; 1180; 1130 and 1050. The order of the wavenumbers corresponds to the amplitude of the respective waves, thus the first has the strongest intensity, the last correspondingly the weakest intensity.
If we now form the reciprocal of each of these numbers and then multiply these reciprocals by 10,000,000 in each case, we obtain the wavelengths in nanometers of the IR spectrum of the THC molecule, as shown in the following table.
1580 cm-1 . 1/x = 0.000 633 cm; λ 6329 nm
1040 cm-1 . 1/x = 0.000 692 cm; λ 9615 nm
1620 cm-1 . 1/x = 0.000 617 cm; λ 6173 nm
1180 cm-1 . 1/x = 0.000 847 cm; λ 8475 nm
1130 cm-1 . 1/x = 0.001 885 cm; λ 8850 nm
1050 cm-1 . 1/x = 0.001 952 cm; λ 9524 nm
The frequencies of the IR spectrum
Wavelengths and frequencies behave inversely proportional to each other in the electromagnetic range, like time and frequency, only with the difference that here the speed of light has to be considered. It is valid:
λ = c / f and f = c / λ
where λ is the wavelength, f is the frequency, and c is the speed of light [2.997 925·1017 nm·sec-1].
Thus, the frequencies of the maxima in the IR spectrum of the THC molecule are:
2.998·1017nm·sec-1 / 6329 nm = 4.737·1013 Hz
2.998·1017nm·sec-1 / 9615 nm = 3.118·1013 Hz
2.998·1017nm·sec-1 / 6173 nm = 4.857·1013 Hz
2.998·1017nm·sec-1 / 8475 nm = 3.538·1013 Hz
2.998·1017nm·sec-1 / 8850 nm = 3.388·1013 Hz
2.998·1017nm·sec-1 / 9524 nm = 3.148·1013 Hz
Octave into the audible range
The 37th sub-octaves of these six main frequencies of the THC molecule are musically in the audible range of the middle octave:
4.737·1013 Hz / 238 = 172.3 Hz = F = red-violet
3.118·1013 Hz / 238 = 113.4 Hz = A# = yellow (yellow)
4.857·1013 Hz / 238 = 176.7 Hz = F = red-violet
3.538·1013 Hz / 238 = 128.7 Hz = C = green
3.388·1013 Hz / 238 = 123.2 Hz = H = yellow-green (yellow-green)
3.148·1013 Hz / 238 = 114.5 Hz = A# = yellow (yellow)
Tuning data sheets (in German)
with additional sub-octaves in the audible range, octaves in the visible range, as well as detailed tuning data (frequency numbers, cents values, microtunes, pitchwheel datas, microsteps, tempos, echo, reverb and loop times):
PDF: Stimmdaten des Tetrahydrocannbiol-(THC)-Moleküls
The transcription of the CBD molecule into the auditory area.
Octave into the audible range
The 39th and 38th sub-octaves, respectively, of the frequencies of the cannabidiol molecule in the middle audible range:
1.06 · 1014 Hz / 239 = 192.03 Hz = g = red-orange
8.77 · 1013 Hz / 239 = 159.48 Hz = dis = blue-violet
4.74 · 1013 Hz / 238 = 172.50 Hz = f = red-violet
4.33 · 1013 Hz / 238 = 157.46 Hz = dis = blue-violet
3.64 · 1013 Hz / 238 = 132.52 Hz = c = green
Detailed tuning data in the tempo and tone range in German=
The wavelengths and frequencies of the CBD molecule and their musical octave frequencies are listed with microtuning data in the
PDF: Stimmdaten des Cannabidiol-(CBD)-Moleküls
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